Karoo-Etendeka unconformities in NW Namibia and their tectonic implications select="/dri:document/dri:meta/dri:pageMeta/dri:metadata[@element='title']/node()"/>

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dc.contributor.advisor Stollhofen Harald en_US
dc.contributor.advisor Lorenz Volker en_US
dc.contributor.author Wanke Ansgar en_US
dc.date.accessioned 2013-07-02T14:10:36Z
dc.date.available 2013-07-02T14:10:36Z
dc.date.issued 20010622 en_US
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/11070.1/4391
dc.description.abstract English abstract provided by author: en_US
dc.description.abstract Towards the south-east, the Karoo succession becomes successively more complete. In the vicinity of Mt. Brandberg Early Triassic strata (Middle Omingonde Formation) follow disconformably above the Upper Permian/Lowermost Triassic Doros Formation. The sedimentation there was essentially controlled by the SW-NE trending Damaraland Uplift. South of the Damaraland Uplift the SW-NE trending Waterberg-Omaruru Fault zone is interpreted as a sinistral oblique-slip fault that compartmentalised the South Atlantic rift. This fault controlled accommodation space of the entire Triassic Omingonde Formation and the Early Jurassic Etjo Formation in its associated pull-apart and transtension structures. A locally well developed angular unconformity defines a hiatus between the two formations. Correlation with the main Karoo Basin in South Africa confirms that this gap is of a regional extent and not only a local, fault induced feature. Furthermore, it might also correlate with an orogenic pulse of the Cape Fold Belt en_US
dc.description.abstract In general, the Mesozoic megasequences record the long-lived history of the southern Atlantic rift evolution. Rifting has been controlled by orogenic pulses derived from the Samfrau active margin throughout the Mesozoic. The associated intracratonic E-W extension caused the formation of grabens and conjugated oblique-slip zones. The generation of voluminous flood basalts marks the climax of intracratonic extension that was accompanied by enhanced uplift of the rift shoulders en_US
dc.format.extent 116 p en_US
dc.language.iso eng en_US
dc.source.uri Fulltext URL http://opus. bibliothek. uni-wuerzburg. de/opus/volltexte/2002/323/ en_US
dc.subject Geology en_US
dc.subject Tectonics en_US
dc.title Karoo-Etendeka unconformities in NW Namibia and their tectonic implications en_US
dc.type thesis en_US
dc.identifier.isis F004-199299999999999 en_US
dc.description.degree Würzburg en_US
dc.description.degree Germany en_US
dc.description.degree Bayerische Julius-Maximilians-Universität en_US
dc.description.degree Ph D en_US
dc.masterFileNumber 2710 en_US

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